Friday, March 1, 2013

Zen Garden

A week ago today, I was driving up to Stockbridge Massachusetts to visit Kripalu.  A week ago today, I had no idea the shifts that would result from my visit.  I believe we are born with an open heart, an open mind and a spirit to soar.  Somewhere along the way, hearts are broken, minds are persuaded they are wrong and spirits become downtrodden.  Kripalu reminded me that with some work our hearts, minds and spirits can be restored. I found a lot of peace at Kripalu and have begun to work on some appropriate restoration.   
A view from Kripalu
Outside the ground feels greasy below my feet.  Step off the sidewalk and you will know what I mean.  This tells me that spring will soon be here, but the frost is still in the ground.  While waiting to work in the garden outside, I hope you find some inner peace by making your own Zen Garden inside. 

You can catch the story I did for WFSB's Better Connecticut and see my Kripalu glow by clicking HERE.   

No need to buy a Zen Garden kit- collect sand and stones from your travels and create your garden in a shallow container.  Easy and Zen.


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