Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What's Missing?

There are thousands and thousands of books about gardening, plants and design on the market and probably lots on your bookshelves at home. 
But what's missing?   
What don't you like about the gardening books out there?
What do you like?
Want to learn simple tricks to designing with annuals?
Not sure how to control pests in the garden?
I would love, love, love to hear your thoughts!  Please take a minute and give this some thought, or just send me your knee-jerk reaction.  I want to know what's missing from your bookshelf.
Looking to visit beautiful places with awesome plants and design? 
Please, don't NOT hit reply to this email- I will never see it.  Here is how to get in touch with me:

Go to my web site and fill out the contact form HERE .

Or you can send me an email directly to:

Many, many thanks in advance. I look forward to hearing from you!

XOXO Julie

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Greening Up the Greenhouse

Think it's too early to start planting annuals in Connecticut? You're right, unless you have a greenhouse! I went to visit The Garden Barn in Vernon and was excited to see a lot of green and feel the warm temps of their greenhouses! Check out the video I did for WFSB's Better CT show by clicking HERE.  Spring is around the corner for sure!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Air Plants

From the mouth of Scot Haney, "Air plants for air heads".  I would say the perfect plant for those plagued by a brown thumb.  Still the greenest of thumbs will adore the unique shapes, textures and joy of growing air plants, so really they are for all of us!

Click HERE to see the segment I did for WFSB's Better CT show about these nifty plants. 
Air plants or Tillandsia do not grow in soil, require only moderate light and a soak in water once a week.  In the wild they only use roots to an object and pull all of their water and nutrients from the air or rain.  You can keep them in anything but my favorite container are clear glass orbs that allow you to appreciate the beauty of each individual air plant. 
So to recap:
1. Display your air plant in anything (but soil)
2. Give it moderate light
3. Soak in water about once a week for 2-3 hours
The kind (and very creative) folks at Kestrel in Northampton Massachusetts gave me three plants to use of WFSB's Better CT today. The thicker, fuzzy one is a Caput-Medusae, the teeny wispy one is an Argentea and the tall thin variety with a flower bud is a Juncea. Click HERE to check them out!
All of the pictures in this post were taken at Kestrel.  It's a seriously cool shop for anyone who likes to decorate their home with plants and décor by local artisans. Kestrel is located at 22 Masonic Street, Northampton MA.